Class MixstatusProcessor

MixstatusProcessor is a configurable processor which when fed device state will attempt to accurately determine events that happen within the DJ set.

The following events are fired:

  • nowPlaying: The track is considered playing and on air to the audience.
  • stopped: The track was stopped / paused / went off-air.

Additionally the following non-track status are reported:

  • setStarted: The first track has begun playing.
  • setEnded: The TimeBetweenSets has passed since any tracks were live.

See Config for configuration options.

Config options may be changed after the processor has been created and is actively receiving state updates.



off: <K>(eventName: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void) => this = ...

Type declaration

    • <K>(eventName: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this
    • Alias for emitter.removeListener().

      Type Parameters

      • K


      • eventName: string | symbol
      • listener: (...args: any[]) => void

      Returns this


on: {
    <P extends keyof MixstatusEvents, T>(
        this: T,
        event: P,
        listener: (...args: ListenerType<MixstatusEvents[P]>) => void,
    ): T;
        event: typeof assignmentCompatibilityHack,
        listener: (...args: any[]) => any,
    ): void;
} = ...
once: {
    <P extends keyof MixstatusEvents, T>(
        this: T,
        event: P,
        listener: (...args: ListenerType<MixstatusEvents[P]>) => void,
    ): T;
        event: typeof assignmentCompatibilityHack,
        listener: (...args: any[]) => any,
    ): void;
} = ...


  • Update the configuration


    Returns void

  • Feed a CDJStatus state object to the mix state processor


    Returns void

  • Manually reports the track that has been playing the longest which has not yet been reported as live.

    Returns void