A Database is the central service used to query devices on the prolink network for information from their databases.


  • Database



#deviceManager: DeviceManager
#hostDevice: Device
#localDatabase: LocalDatabase

The local database service, used when querying media devices connected directly to CDJs containing a rekordbox formatted database.

#remoteDatabase: default

The remote database service, used when querying the Rekordbox software or a CDJ with an unanalyzed media device connected (when possible).


  • get cdjSupportsRemotedb(): boolean
  • Reports weather or not the CDJs can be communcated to over the remote database protocol. This is important when trying to query for unanalyzed or compact disc tracks.

    Returns boolean


  • Parameters

    Returns LookupStrategy

  • Parameters

    Returns LookupStrategy

  • Retrives the artwork for a track on a specific device slot.


    Returns Promise<null | Buffer>

  • Retrieve folders, playlists, and tracks within the playlist tree. The id may be left undefined to query the root of the playlist tree.

    NOTE: You will never receive a track list and playlists or folders at the same time. But the API is simpler to combine the lookup for these.


    Returns Promise<null | PlaylistContents>

  • Retrives the waveforms for a track on a specific device slot.


    Returns Promise<null | Waveforms>

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